authentic response to cyrus cylinder night

i think is really interesting because it ties ancient art and artifacts in with modern day problems that we'd like to solve. its almost a social justice piece while still being artistic.

in response to the program, i really enjoyed the soundscape because it was something i have never witnessed before. even just looking at ala ebketar's use of old and new technology was amazing. i also liked the interactive piece where we wrote down what we would do if we were king/queen of the universe because it kinda tests your knowledge and understanding of what cyrus did while still being fun. it's definitely an interesting learning piece.

i'm not sure artists drawing club has universal appeal to teens. many of the teens i know aren't interested in art, so they wouldn't be particularly interested in something like what we witnessed thursday. but for kids who are into art, i think they would enjoy artists drawing club. there are a couple friends who i would invite, but only if i think they would enjoy the subject matter on that particular day.

this might sound weird, but free food is always an appeal to teens. it really works. 


1 response
FOOD! The two ADC posts mention the lure of food as a surefire way to get teens in the door so we're operating at 50% of the intern body, which is pretty compelling. One of the things I love about is the way the project gets you to think critically about our own roles in our lives, and ultimately, history. No matter how small the circle of people I know and influence is, I always think about the legacy I want to leave, of kindness, social justice, questioning the status quo, humor...