Printmaking last Sunday was great! In my experience, I have only printed twice using linoleum and I felt it was really refreshing to get the opportunity to print again. I thought it was kind of exhilarating when printing with Ali and Calixto because the pace was faster than usual. We were a bit rushed, but at the same time it felt like we had a lot of time left to print. We used both the barons and printing press to create out prints. I remember Ali telling us that the paper had to be on top of the template, and I thought it was cool how we experimented with different colors and paper. We made a lot of prints! I mean look at these!
And that's not even all of them. Time flew by so fast, but that was because of one thing that Ali said to us that day. And that was to not think about the subject and form too much. Just go for it. That was my biggest take away.
It was really fun printing with styrofoam plates because they were to easy to carve into and print with. Hearing about Calixto's specialty in screen printing really made me want to see the process in person. I had a great time and really enjoyed last Sunday!