Sunday with Jennifer Ewing

Today was such a great day for continuing to work on improving my creative thoughts and processes. I loved the idea of putting things I want to achieve in a boat or even maintain. The concentration and effort I put into this project, is something I'd like to continue in everything I do. I wish I could keep that same degree of focus at school! I decided on a raft because I feel as I'm leading up to my first year of college, I need some kind of support or a safe place where I can relax and dump my worries. A raft isn't intimidating, but comforting. I also decided to cut out the sketches I did of pieces in east Asian galleries for decoration. I also tied a wood blanket to the bottom with gold coil for decoration as well. Overall, I think it was successful and turned just how I envisioned it. Regarding the local artist project, I'm interested as to what artist Sophia and I will choose to research on.. or agree on. 

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