The small picture is actually a big picture-Ivy

Hello Everyone! Another Sunday at the museum has allowed me to explore the museum’s different sites and learn something new about art. Scavenger Hunts are super fun! Working as a team, we searched for the different places located within the museum. I loved the part which we each took selfies in front of a painting or an object that made us laugh.

A selfie!

It was a great activity to familiarize myself with the exhibition/collection locations and the different places in the museum such as the Jade Gallery and the Loggia. In addition to the Scavenger Hunt, I also learned about Art Mediation. Did you know that the average time a person spends looking at an art piece is about only a couple of seconds. SECONDS! Art Mediation was a way for us to spend some time to look at an artwork and think about nothing else but what we see. We took five minutes to look for something that caught our eyes, five minutes to observe it and five minutes to write a haiku.

Here is my Haiku about a Ceremonial Bowl with Zoroastrian Themes.

Round and silver bowl

captured men with ropes on hands

what crime have they done?